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Wonderful being back at the Sangha Lodge! Wieder in der Sangha Lodge, wie wunderbar! |
Ranger camp in the Dzanga-Sangha Special Reserve Lager der Ranger im Dzanga-Sangha Schutzgebiet |
The legendary silverback Makumba Der legendäre Silberrücken Makumba |
Pregnant and unsecured Hochschwanger und nicht gesichert |
Bye-bye Makumba (he passed away in May 2024) Bye-bye Makumba (er starb im Mai 2024) |
River crossing bare-foot in the rainforest Flussdurchquerung barfuß im Regenwald |
At the Dzanga Bai: Christin completely in her element In der Dzanga Bai: Christin voll in ihrem im Element |
It was pouring down, but the animals didn' t mind ...
Es schüttete, doch die Tiere störte es nicht ...
Forest elephant baby in the Dzanga Bai, digging in the mud for essential salts and minerals Waldelefanten-Baby in der Dzanga Bai beim Graben nach lebenswichtigen Salzen und Mineralien |
Forest elephants drinking water in the Dzanga Bai Waldelefanten trinken Wasser in der Dzanga Bai |
Forest buffalos in the Dzanga Bai Waldbüffel in der Dzanga Bai |
With Ivonne Kienast, Project Manager Dzanga Forest Elephant Project Mit Ivonne Kienast, Projektmanagerin Dzanga Waldelefanten Projekt |
Sangha Lodge |
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Sundowner at the Sangha Lodge |
Beautiful sunset over the Sangha River Traumhafter Sonnenuntergang über dem Sangha |
... and Basil, the De Brazza's monkey at the lodge ... und Basil, die Brazzameerkatze an der Lodge |
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Perfect day for a trip Perfekter Tag für einen Ausflug |
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Walk into the 'Valley of the Giants' Wanderung ins 'Tal der Giganten' |
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Climbing along the huge tree roots Klettern entlang der riesigen Baumwurzeln |
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Artwork by termites Termitenkunstwerk |
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Quite sweaty Ganz schön verschwitzt |
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Magical Sangha River Magischer Sangha |
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Over the moon Im siebten Himmel |
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The very next day Am nächsten Tag |
Tanken an der einzigen 'Tankstelle' in Bayanga
Main road in Bayanga Hauptstraße in Bayanga |
Chat with a market woman in Bayanga Im Gespräch mit einer Marktfrau in Bayanga |
Definitively nothing for us Definitiv nichts für uns |
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Main road from Bayanga to the capital Bangui Hauptstraße von Bayanga zur Hauptstadt Bangui |
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Road from the CAR to the Republic of the Congo Straße von der ZAR zur Republik Kongo |
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Road in the frontier area CAR/Republic of the Congo Straße im Grenzgebiet ZAR/Republik Kongo |
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Ba'Akas - always friendly Ba'Akas - immer freundlich |
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Back in Ouesso - complete camper cleaning Zurück in Ouesso - Generalreinigung des Campers |
Gorilla trekking to visit Makumba
After a relaxed day at the Doli Lodge, we were picked up at 7am for a gorilla trekking. A ranger and a Ba'Aka were waiting for us in the car. After about 1 1/2 hours drive we reached the camp of the rangers. From there we started with another Ba'Aka, both trackers. Following several shallow river crossings and a walk through dense undergrowth, we reached the vicinity of 45-year-old silverback Makumba and his gorilla family after almost two hours. We approached them very carefully up to a few metres. These wild animals got habituated (used to humans) about 20 years ago in a 2-year programme, hence a visit by humans is no stress for them. We had seen the same family already in 2016 with, at that time, newborn twins, which is very rare.
Some gorillas were on the tree tops, throwing down thick seeds, which Makumba ate with relish. He only noticed us briefly and probably thought "oh, another couple of gazers", turned around and from then on just ignored us. The gorillas climbed down from the trees. Two youngsters stopped and the older one peed at the younger one's head. The latter was irritated and tasted whether he could drink the ‚warm water‘, but then decided to change the tree. The youngsters romped around on the ground for a while and the family moved on into the dense undergrowth after almost one hour. We hiked back with this beautiful experience and reached the ranger camp dripping wet and sweaty after almost five hours.
(Sad update: After a fight with a lonely male, in which Makumba was seriously injured, he died on the night of May 15, 2024 😢🦍.)
Dzanga Bai, legendary jungle clearing with forest elephants
The following day, we set off again early in the morning, this time for Dzanga Bai. The jungle clearing is unique in Africa! At least 60 to 80 critically endangered forest elephants meet there every day, communicate with their families, drink water and dig for essential minerals. African forest wild boars (larger than warthogs), forest buffalos, sitatungas (antelopes) and bongos (very rare, striped forest antelopes) also frequent the clearing. On our last visit we saw about 80 bongos, which must be extremely rare. Unfortunately, it had been raining cats and dogs since we arrived, which probably bothered us more than the animals. We spent the night sheltered on the mirador (viewing platform) in our tent and I (Martin) felt asleep to the sound of the rainforest while Christin eagerly followed the elephants' nighttime activities - just wonderful.
The biologist Andrea Turkalo had been researching there for 26 years. The German-Argentine Ivonne Kienast had, meanwhile, taken over her work. She came the following day and enthusiastically shared with us her research results about the forest elephants.
Boat trip from the Sangha Lodge to the 'Valley of the Giants'
On the return trip, we asked the boat driver to switch off the engine, and so we let ourselves drift back down the jungle river and enjoyed the singing of the birds, the screams of the monkeys and parrots and otherwise absolute silence.
There had been heavy rain showers in the previous days, and we had to make our way back with a heavy heart before the shortly expected peak of the rainy season would set in. The river would then swell two to three metres and whether the roads would still be passable was highly questionable.
We reached Ouesso after 650 km of red jungle road and only needed two days' driving time, but after all, we knew the way, and the last 150 km had been newly graded in the meantime, for the timber trucks to pass through easily.
In the next post we will let you know what Ouesso had to offer.
Gorilla-Tracking zu Makumba
Nach einem relaxten Tag in der Doli Lodge wurden wir morgens um 7 Uhr zum Gorilla-Tracking abgeholt. Ein Ranger und ein Ba’Aka warteten im Auto auf uns. Nach ca. 1 1/2 Stunden Fahrt erreichten wir das Lager der Ranger. Von dort ging es mit einem weiteren Ba’Aka, beides Fährtenleser, los. Wir durchquerten mehrere seichte Flüsse und wanderten durch dichtes Unterholz. Nach fast zwei Stunden kamen wir in die Nähe der Gorilla-Familie. Wir schlichen uns ganz vorsichtig bis auf einige Meter heran. Diese wilden Tiere wurden schon vor 20 Jahren habituiert, d.h. in einem zweijährigen Programm an Menschen gewöhnt, so dass ein Besuch für sie keine Aufregung darstellt. Den Silberrücken Makumba und seine Familie hatten wir bereits im Jahr 2016 'besucht', und zwar mit gerade geborenen Zwillingen, was höchst selten vorkommt.
Einige Gorillas waren auf den Baumspitzen und warfen dicke Kerne herab, die der über 45jährige Silberrücken genüsslich fraß. Makumba registrierte uns nur kurz und dachte sich wahrscheinlich "ach, mal wieder ein paar Gaffer", drehte sich um und würdigte uns keines Blickes mehr. Dann kletterten alle von den Bäumen. Dabei stoppten zwei Youngsters und der ältere pinkelte dem jüngeren erstmal über den Kopf. Dieser war irritiert und schmeckte, ob er das warme Nass trinken kann, entschied sich dann aber, den Baum zu wechseln. Die Youngsters tollten noch einige Zeit ausgelassen und übermütig auf dem Boden herum und die Familie verzog sich nach fast einer Stunde ins dichte Unterholz. Wir wanderten mit dem schönen Erlebnis zurück und erreichten triefnass durchgeschwitzt nach fast fünf Stunden wieder das Ranger Lager.
(Aktueller, trauriger Nachtrag: Nach einem Kampf mit einem Rivalen, bei dem Makumba sich schwer verletzt hatte, verstarb er in der Nacht zum 15. Mai 2024 😢🦍.)
Dzanga Bai, legendäre Dschungel-Lichtung mit Waldelefanten
Bootsfahrt von der Sangha Lodge zum 'Tal der Giganten'
Was Ouesso zu bieten hatte, zeigen wir im nächsten Post.
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